Saturday, December 19, 2009

Oh, I must report why Tom should once again win the "best husband of the year" award. I mentioned that my feet were cold during dinner. Before I even realized he had left the table, here he comes with my slippers, warmed by the hair dryer. I definetely don't deserve him!
This post will have NO pictures, we all look gross. Emma threw up repeatedly for about 15 hours, starting at 1:00 AM. Poor thing was just miserable, as were the rest of us who had to listen to the repeated trips to the bathroom! She is starting to feel better and a few of us are questioning whether we are sick or just imagining/wondering "when will it be my turn?" So, the day wasn't a complete disaster. Charlie and I had lots of together time, once again. We did more puzzles and the weather was beautiful, so we played in the snow for a few hours this afternoon. It was about 20, sunny and no wind, a perfect outside play day. I pulled him in the sled, up and down the front yards of our very close neighbors, with Hershey on a leash in the other hand. He wants to be included in the fun too! I am sure, once again, we looked like quite a sight for the neighbors! Free entertainment, I say!

Tom and I are off to watch a movie that I fell asleep to last night, I think I saw about 5 minutes! I was tired. I am guessing I will not get much sleep tonight, waiting with one ear on gaurd ready to jump out of bed to help another to the bathroom. Unfortunately, Em is the only kid of the 4 who can make it to the potty all the time, the rest just puke where they are and yell for me! Lovely.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Charlie and I did puzzles for about 1 1/2 hours tonight. He is taking after his big brother, Luke, who is crazy about puzzles. Here is a picture of him almost done with Thomas for the third time. At schoool this morning, Charlie went on a field trip, on a SCHOOL BUS! He was very excited. They went to the Children's Theater to see a play. When I asked him how he liked it, he said, "It was VERY FUNNY!" Tom is out with Luke, Nicholas, and three of Nicholas' friends. They went to a movie then out for pizza. It is what Nicholas wanted to do for his birthday (which was two months ago...) Nicholas was excited, saying many times this week, "I can't wait till Friday" Nicholas rarely shows the emotion of excitement! Glad it is the weekend, I need a few days off from the craziness at work. By Sunday, I will be looking forward to getting back to work to get away from the craziness of home. Funny how that works! Here come the boys now, oh, boy!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Okay, I have heard from enough people wondering what happened to the "one entry a day" Wallisch blog. I guess things have been pretty busy here (that is an understatement). So, here is a weak attempt to catch up. I feel like all I do these days is "catch up", so I am getting used to it. Here are a few pictures of what is keeping our lives so crazy. Here's a hint, it is not the humans in the picture... Yes, Hershey is, no doubt, way more work than any baby we have dealt with. He chews EVERYTHING (his favorite thing being dirty undergarments and kitty litter), attacks anything under about 3 feet (poor Charlie) and torments the kitties. Nonetheless, we all adore him, how could you not when you see the kids cuddle with him, and he is pretty cute.
The kids are all doing well. It is amazing how much more smoothly this year is going than last. Even though things are busy, we are all fairly healthy and functioning, which is not how I would describe last year... What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right? I realized this morning that a year ago today, I had the little surgery at Mayo that probably saved my life, at least made it so that I wasn't debilitated by another stroke! Whew, I am thankful for those doctors every day. Another reason our lives are more sane this year is because of Emma's progress. She is "graduating" from OT and her social worker, which is a bit scary for me, but I think we are ready. It is amazing to see her and the control she has. She will always be our handful, the "spirited" child I suppose you could call her, but she is happy. She smiles and dances. She has the best sense of humor, she keeps us on our toes and in stitches constantly. She still has her naughty moments, sneaking food and exploding at her brothers, but like a normal 9 year old, I think! Maybe, okay, maybe not normal, but what is "normal", anyway? She is VERY into stripes, she was incredibly proud of herself when she came down for school yesterday. All stripes. Different colors, sizes, oh, she was a sight. She seemed a bit disappointed when I told her she looked cute.
Charlie comes to mind next. What a funny kiddo. Yesterday, he and Tom were chatting, and Charlie asked Tom what 5 and 5 were. Tom said, 55. Charlie said, "THAT IS WHAT I WAS GOING TO SAY!" What about 4 and 4, Tom asks. Charlie said, "44!" How about 3 and 3? "33!" "What is 2 and 2?" Tom asked. "Twody-two"! How cute is that?
Luke, oh, Luke. He is really into Calvin and Hobbs. Unfortunately, we realized too late during "Santa" pictures that he was "performing". About 10 pictures showed him with these really goofy faces that he made just as the photographer snapped the picture, just like Calvin does for school pictures. We were laughing so much looking at the pictures that tears were forming. Little stinker.
Nicholas. My responsible, 28 year old in an 11 year old body. He saved $150 to buy his own ipod. He is really proud of it and is now saving to download music from itunes. He and I ran a 5k on Halloween, also very proud of himself for that. I was pretty proud as well. He is having a really late sleepover/birthday with three of his buddies. They are going to see a movie, go out for dinner and then probably play video games until the early morning hours. He has great friends who have super parents. That is a blessing for a 5th grader. He is happy, easy going and likes quiet, alone time as much as his mamma.
I'll try to keep this up, but I am not making any promises...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I guess this is the "once a month" blog, and not the "once a day" blog. I keep saying that I will sit down and just write a bit, but it has really been busy here. Over the last month, we have started school/work and all the craziness that goes along with that, soccer, we've been sick with colds/stomach flu/and most likely h1n1 (Tom and I were tag teaming over about 2 weeks of sick kids, one day everyone was home but Nicholas, the only one who didn't get sick enough to stay home.) Although being back to work has been wonderful, it does mean that I am up at 5:45 to walk the dog, get everyone up and ready for school and at work by 7:30 so that I can leave by 3:15 to meet the kids when they get off the bus. I feel like I can finally take a breath when I sit down at my desk and have a quick chat with some co-workers. The day flies by (work is as crazy as home most days!) I have been in this position for about 1 1/2 years and finally feel like I know what I am doing most of the time. I work with the best group of people, I can't imagine having a more perfect position. Many of the women I work with have been here for over 25 years. LOVE IT!

So, I think I will give the "emma" update. She has really changed over the last month. (in a good way!) She got off the bus the first day and had a dreamy look on her face. She LOVES her teacher, this woman is PERFECT for Emma. The classroom is just what you would think of when you think of the word zen. "Mrs. Richardson doesn't have rules, she has expectations." Emma said this as if it were poetry. She keeps me laughing at very unexpected times. Like today at church. She insisted that she wear this headband she made at girl scouts the day before. Well, this "headband" is one that is wrapped in brightly colored pipe cleaners with two "antennae" with googly eyes glued on two pipe cleaners extending out from the headband. We finally compromised that she could wear the headband minus the googly eye pipe cleaners. Well, at church, she put this on in different positions, very subtly, of course. She whispered "mom, look, I am a draon." She had the headband going from her forehead to the nape of her neck and as she twitched her forehead, the headband wiggled up and down. I wanted to laugh out loud.

Yesterday, she and I were driving somewhere and she asked me, "Mom, which do you like worst of Dad's characteristics, his hygeine habits or his looks?" I laughed (outloud this time) and tried to change the subject and she said, "Wait a second, you didn't answer my question!" A few minutes later, she asked me if I read a book about how to give people really good insults when I was a kid. I said no, and she said, "I think I may just write one someday." She went on for about 30 seconds with this string of insults that was so funny, spontaneous and clever that I couldn't help but laugh.

Emma loves listening to RadioDisney. The singers are interview for short clips that are played during the day. Today, one of Emma's favorite singers said, "I LOVED school, what a great place to be challenged!" Emma paused and I thought she was going to say something nice. Well, not Emma, she said, "I am GUESSING that someone PAID her to say that!" Emma is just the most clever and spontaneous kid. I am hoping that she uses this power for good and not evil!

Nicholas is just as quick, except his humor is incredibly dry, like his daddy! Today, my mission was to organize winter stuff, you know, coats, hats, boots etc. (It is supposed to snow 2-4 inches tonight!) I never do a thorough job of getting things put away in the spring, thus I have to hunt in the fall. Well, after about 4 hours of hunting, off and on, I located most of our things. I came upstairs triumphantly saying that I found all the coats and Nicholas said, "Did you find your THREE pair of boots too?" He and Tom did their "guy-fist bump" in agreement, WHATEVER! (I found the BEST deal on a pair of Uggs this summer, 1/2 PRICE! I couldn't pass them up. Nicholas just couldn't understand how great a deal this was. He kept saying very innocently (with a bit of sarcasm), "But mom, they look JUST like the boots you have at home!" He has the "practical and thrifty" gene that is a clone of his dad's. His dad just knows to keep his mouth shut and smile when his wife buys a pair of boots that were just the BEST deal, even though they may look somewhat like a pair she already has at home. The end.

I spent the other 1/2 of the day cleaning out the garage so that I could park my car in it tonight, we are going to get more snow, maybe 2-4 inches. Ick. So, that is probably only about 1% of the actual goings-on at the Wallisch house, but I surely won't bore you with the other 99%.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oh, it has been a while. The kids wrapped up their summer break with a week away at grandma and grandpa's house on the farm. They were spoiled with tv, treats, playing with their cousins, riding the gator and shooting the bb gun that grandpa was convinced that they needed. Luke amazed all with his accurate shooting. He even surprised himself.

While they were relaxing on the farm, I was back at work. (which, by the way, is like a vacation for me after a summer loaded with kids/activities/chaos!) It was wonderful to be back and I am feeling more confident that this job is what I am supposed to be doing now. It doesn't hurt that I didn't have a major medical episode a week before the beginning of the school year like last year! I don't know what I will do with all of my sick leave this year without all of the drs appts. Our office is chaotic as well, but I still love it.

Mom and Dad brought the kids back last week, and Brad and Jen and the girls came too! Emma was so excited, she could hardly contain herself. Leah is one of her favorite kids. They are adorable together, even with a four year age difference. I love it. We all went to the State Fair and the Mall of America on Saturday. Needless to say, we were all exhausted! We had Sunday and Monday to rest up and prepare for the first day of school, which was today.

Nicholas and Luke are easy transitioners. They take things as they come, and they did fine getting back into the school thing. Nicholas said his teacher was okay, was annoyed that he couldn't have pbj sandwiches and his favorite granola bars (peanut allergy in his class) and was upset that technology was no longer a specialist. Luke thinks his teacher is funny and nice. Easy.

Emma, on the other hand, is not quite as easy to transition. We have been working with her all summer on focusing, completing tasks and getting over her anxiety of riding on the bus. She is a puker, poor thing. She is also incredibly hard to get out of bed in the morning. (unfortunately, her littlest bro is even harder...) So, this morning, I tried to create a very calm and relaxing routine to get her going. She made it to the bus on time and I didn't get a call from the school nurse saying that Emma threw up on the bus. Success! I met the kids at the school bus and they all looked fairly happy. Nicholas loves riding the bus home (the last two years he had to do the after school Spanish program) because his two best friends also go to his school. Luke was his happy go lucky self. Emma, oh Emma, looked like she was in a dream. She got in the car and said, "I believe that Mrs. Richardson is my most favorite teacher yet." Not in a thrilled way, just in a calm, happy and satisfied way. She then mentioned a few minutes later that she did throw up on the bus, but she just went to class. I guess that is a good thing that she is able to do... She went on and on about her teacher. She said, "Mrs. Richardson doesn't have rules, she has EXpectations." The word expectations just rolled off her tongue like it was the most beautiful thing in the world. My heart just melted. I believe that Mrs. Richardson is going to be an incredible influence on my handful of a daughter. What a relief. I was emotionally exhausted after this day, but a little content. And I don't feel "content" very often!

Emma to Luke: "Luke, don't think Mom is going to get all sympatheticlike on you, now." Tom and I cannot recall what happened prior, but we loved the quote.

Charlie to Hershey: (preface: Hershey chewed up Charlie's water, squeezy thing. Charlie cried.) Charlie said, "Hershey, we are going to buy a new one. And if you do it again, we are going to give you away!"

So, I believe I am all caught up. I know it is going to be a great year. I definitely feel more in control than last year at this time! And I can walk without holding on to a wall! Life is good.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


At the beginning of August, Luke and Tom went to Luke's first Cub Scout camp. It was good to get some one-on-one time, since sometimes he seems to suffer from third-child syndrome.
We slept in lovely canvas tents, with state-of-the-art air conditioning (open the flaps). They did have metal cots and mattresses, which made for better sleeping. The mosquito nets really weren't all that necessary, since the bugs weren't too bad that weekend.

We went swimming in a very cold pool, but couldn't go out in a row boat on the lake, because there was too much wind that day.
He got to do all sorts of fun stuff like making and racing rubber-band paddle boats (shown here), and learned about knots, spiders, plants, and trees.
The food was decent, and they had the coffee available for adults 24-7.
Caribou, it was not.

The thing he was looking forward too the most was getting to shoot BB guns. I guess he hadn't ever shot anything more than a Nerf gun before, and every boys likes guns, right?
The Boy Scouts take safety VERY seriously, and I think these BB guns had a hard time puncturing the paper targets, but he still thought it was cool.
He did seem a little disappointed that there wasn't much noise to them. Just a little "pffft". His aim was pretty good.

At the end of the weekend, Luke said what he liked the best was archery. I think maybe it was because of the non-noise of the BB guns.
Even though he is right-handed, they tested his eye-dominance (which eye you naturally favor to aim), and he ended up shooting the bow and the BB gun left handed.

He got to ride a pony, which he thought was really cool. We could tell that Emma was going to be jealous when she heard.

The camp staff was very enthusiastic, and very goofy. Perfect for a 7-year old boy's sense of humor. It was a great weekend, but we were glad to get home, and Melissa was glad to have us home.

Okay, this post will be my monthly "I need to vent" post. There hasn't been a moment of down-time in so long, I forgot how it felt to sit for a few minutes on our comfy couch and watch tv, and it was only a few minutes. So, after we arrived home from our Adventureland trip, which was very fun, yet exhausting, Tom and Nicholas had to pack to go camping for four days, yea for them. Of course that means that I get the crazy three alone for four days, grrrr. So, we survived with few mishaps and today I thought I would have some free time at last. Well, I got up and went to yoga, which I had been looking forward to all week. It was great, but only 1 hour long, and I needed about 23 more hours to feel refreshed. I did some school shopping, alone, thank goodness. Then I took Emma to her yoga class and came home to Tom making chicken soup. Of course, it sounded like a good idea earlier in the week to make the broth from chicken bones, so the house was steaming and the kitchen was a disaster. Then I had to make the noodles. The kids love home made noodles so I had THAT mess to deal with as well. (along with the breakfast mess that hadn't gotten cleaned up yet...) I had too many helpers, the puppy pulling on me and dough up to my elbows. We sat down to eat in the steamy dining room, every one was crabby from not enough sleep and too much together time. As I dove into cleaning the kitchen and washing dishes, Charlie comes dashing in and says that he might have had an accident in his pants, then he clarifies, "A long wet pee." Ugh. So as I was cleaning up Charlie and the floor, Hershey is trying to get into the bathroom to get Charlie's wet clothes. (Hershey loves to chew on the kids' dirty underwear and Charlie's wet pull ups from the night before--I am sure you are cringing now! The dog digs thru laundry baskets to find them!) I send Charlie downstairs to get ready for a shower. I kindly asked Nicholas to take the dog outside while I get Charlie cleaned up because Hershey is at my feet ALL THE TIME, he definitely loves me the most, yea for me. As I was helping Charlie with his shower, I hear Hershey thumping down the stairs. He dashes in the bathroom and jumps in the shower with Charlie. ARRGGG. I guess Herhsey is getting a shower too. He was thrilled to be in there until he realized he was staying there until he was cleaned, then he wiggled and bit until he was set free.

After that was all done, I only had the rest of the kitchen to be cleaned (which Tom helped with) three loads of laundry to fold, 2 more kids to get showered and put to bed. I am not sure why things seem so crazy these days, but I am barely keeping up. I fantasize about having a few hours with nothing to do but read a book or listen to some relaxing music and meditating, or maybe finish a baby blanket for my great-niece, who was born over a month ago. I don't anticipate things getting any easier when school/work starts, but at least I won't be stuck at home with four kids and a puppy. Stuck seems like a drastic word, but after 3 months of togetherness, we are more like stuck together, not such a great feeling for one who needs her space to feel normal! I suppose in 20 years I will be lonely and wish these times were here again, but right now, I could use a week feeling lonely. (It used to be, "I just need a day where I am not responsible for this crew, well, it has officially become a week!) Tomorrow is a new day! I will just take a deep breath and do the best I can! All done with my rant. No more crabbing on the blog for at least a month, I promise.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The day after...

Okay, this is really backwards, read below and it will start to make sense.

Aunt Jen, Uncle Brian and their brood.

The Wallisch portion of the Molln/Williams group, and what a fine looking family they are!

Aunt Jen waited in line, not once, but TWICE to take her neices on the log ride. The squeals were audible from a one mile radius from this point!

Pretty Chloe!

Here are the random pics I talked about below, I am still trying to figure out the layout of this website. I guess I can't complain for something free...

Adventureland Trip 2009

We just returned from our annual Adventureland trip, and oh, did we have fun! Our group of 19 welcomed #20, miss Chloe Marie, age 2 months and Adventureland novice. She did great! Especially appreciated were the smiles and coos she gave one of her favorite aunts...

The cousins swam and played in the arcade until they could barely keep their eyes open. My four were sleeping within seconds of hitting the pillow each night. I guess now I know how to get Emma to fall asleep at night! We will just have to move into the Adventureland Inn.
Here are a few of our crew on Molly the Trolley, a favorite of the kids (the trolley takes us from the hotel to the park)
Maddie is an honorary Molln/Williams family member, she has been coming with us every year and is a joy to be around!
The best part of this weekend was that there were NO medical emergencies! Ha ha! I actually saw the EMT that misdiagnosed me last year while at the park. I thought about asking if he remembered me! No hard feelings, of course.
Luke was his dare devil self, going on the silly silo and the outlaw roller coaster. Nicholas seems to be in awe of Luke's adventurous spirit, but he still decides to take the safe route like his mama!
Emma added the outlaw roller coaster this year to her list of "I did it!" rides. Charlie wanted to try everything, but he wa"not quite tall enough". I feel like I said that a million times! He made new friends on every ride, mostly girls between 4-7 years old. He is so outgoing! Nicholas played it safe and chose the safer big kid rides, but he made up for this safety and decided to eat a bit of everything in the park, he eats more than I do!
I will let the random pictures tell the rest of the story, enjoy!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Not much time, but I had to post Charlie's comment while we were playing at the park yesterday. He was very dirty (nothing new). He looked at himself and said, "It's okay, Mom, I am washable!"

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa Williams are visiting for a few days, which means that the kids get spoiled and grandma finds things to clean that haven't been cleaned since the last time she was here. Charlie came into the kitchen and asked, "Grandma, did you paint the refrigerator?" "No, I cleaned it," said grandma. "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" Charlie said in amazement. In my defense, I play first, then clean...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Today was Charlie's first day of "camp". He was thrilled about going, and puffed up his chest with pride. I thought he was getting a little nervous as we walked into the school building, but he didn't look back. I hung out in the classroom a little longer that I should have, and Charlie finally looked at me and said, "Mom, I am going to have fun!" He did. The camp lasted an hour, it was called "The Magic Toy Shop" and they did art activities, read stories and there were seven 3-5 year olds. He is looking forward to going back tomorrow.

First bath for Hershey: The kids were so excited to witness Hershey's first bath. He looked like a wet rat, the kids thought that was very funny. Hershey didn't think it was as funny, unfortunately.
Charlie loves his NEW Cars bike! (Thanks to Aunt Jen) He rides the bike up and down the block, looking very proud, and much too old! My baby is getting big. He even keeps puppy snacks in the pouch for when Hershey goes potty on our walks, very handy!

Hershey's new sleeping arrangements, a bit cozy, but he likes it. It didn't take long for him to outgrow this flowerpot, now he is in a larger bird bath, much roomier!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Good news. All the test results have come back normal for Nicholas. Emma couldn't make it through the MRI, so she will be going again in the early morning to be sedated. Poor thing, as soon as she got there, her tics kicked in full force, no imaging possible with that! She was very anxious, but felt bad that she had to go back another day. They did fine with the IVs, Nicholas passed out on the way to the room. I think this is the only characteristic he got from me, poor thing! I suppose his perfectionistic attitude and timely manner was from me as well... I am really looking forward to this testing being a thing of the past. We all have to be tested every five years (just the lungs). MRI of the brain only needs to be done once in childhood and once as an adult. We can certainly handle that!

Friday, July 10, 2009

I must add Luke's comment from earlier today: "Hey Mom, taking care of a puppy is WAY easier than I expected!" If he only knew how much work his mother has put into the "easy" puppy, he would rethink that statement!
I have to record the following before I start to think I am dreaming. All four kids are up in Emma's room playing "college". And they are geting along! Emma and Charlie have been into playing "school" lately, and I heard Charlie ask Emma if they could play "college" today. At this moment, Charlie is trying to convince Nicholas that he knows enough to be the teacher in college, and that Nicholas should be the kid. Of course, being the good big brother, Nicholas is learning from his little brother today!

Earlier today, Emma somehow convinced me that she could use her music practicing time to teach Charlie some music. That was a little more rocky. I stepped in and subtly encouraged her to teach him rhythms instead of a song, and that went much better. "Short Short Looooonnnnnnnng" is the phrase I heard for about 20 minutes.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Random pictures that define summer for the Wallischs! Going to Dars Double Scoop with friends, notice all the happy, messy smiles!

Tom got a hammock for Father's Day. As I expected, the kids LOVE it, especially Emma. Also as I predicted, Tom hasn't taken the time to even get in it yet. Poor thing works way too hard!

I keep forgetting to post a conversation I overheard Nicholas and Emma having. Emma was reciting a poem that she was creating in her mind, which can be very scary--never know what she is going to say... Anyway, I don't remember most of what she was saying, but I did catch that she was giving "new" names to everyone, for example, "Cool Charlie, Nincompoop Nicholas, Lucky Luke" When she got to Hershey, called him Fabulous Hershey. Nicholas paused and said in a disappointed way, "Emma, you just totally ruined the alliteration!" I love two things about this conversation. First of all, they are learning things at school and applying it in life. Secondly, my 9 and 10 year olds can have a real interaction without fighting, hitting or tattling! Doesn't happen very often, so I had to document it here!

Charlie enjoyed showing off his "war wounds"!

Today Charlie and I were at Children's Hospital for an MRI and an Echo to rule out any problems associated with the syndrome he and I (and Nicholas and Emma) have been diagnosed with. It is called HHT (hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia) and was what caused the minor stroke I had in August (almost a year ago!) I had a malformation in my lung, but there can be problems in the brain as well. Therefore, the kids who also tested positive for the syndrome need to have these tests to rule out malformations in their lungs and brains. Once the first tests are completed and these problems are ruled out, the syndrome is really not a big deal. If they happen to have the malformations in either place, there are repairs that can be done, but I would rather not think that far ahead!

Anyway, Charlie was such a trooper! I was a wreck before, worried about how he would react to the pokes and IVs and big machines. He did great. He was so calm that they only needed to sedate him for the MRI, he actually just laid on the table and watched the computer screen as the technician did the Echo. After about 15 minutes, he fell asleep until the test was over.

For the MRI, he needed to be sedated and that was not a fun experience for me. He was awake for about 10 seconds before the meds kicked in, and he just went limp. Yuck. Everything went okay, though, and the results should be back within a week. Nicholas and Emma are going through the same tests next Tuesday, I am guessing they will not be as cooperative!

Charlie had his hands down his pants/underwear and said to Tom, "I am putting my hands here because I have no pockets."

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Today, Charlie spent about 2 hours digging dirt in the backyard. He said he was planting strawberries and pineapple. I was enlisted to dig for quite a while and he told me exactly what I was doing wrong. I went in the house to check on the other kids and he stayed out and continued digging. I heard him scream and he came in the house with a traumatized look on his face. He said, "I just saw a worm, it was this (stretched his arms apart as far as he could) long!" He was exagerating, of course, but I understand, I don't like worms either!
Hershey is doing really well. He just loves being with us and cries when we leave the room. When he runs, his ears bounce up and down, when he runs really fast, his ears go straight back.

Hershey is wishing all a happy 4th.

When Hershey falls asleep, it is impossible to wake him. He draped himself across Nicholas and they snoozed together.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

On Saturday, June 27th, we welcomed Hershey, 8 week old cockapoo, to our family. It has been quite an experience. While Nicholas and I drove 1 1/2 hours to meet him, Charlie prepared by dressing up in his dog costume. Emma added the paw prints...
Hershey's second walk. He was not interested! This is the first time he stood still long enough to get a decent picture.

Big dog, little dog, Hershey was not intimidated at all, he wanted to play.
Emma is in love!
We all survived the trip home, no accidents from dog or mother. Nicholas held him, which he was nervous about at first, but Hershey calmed and slept most of the way. He did cry quite a bit, but not too bad.
When we arrived at home, Hershey was so excited to run after the kids. He ran and ran and ran. He especially loved to chase Charlie who was still in the dog suit which included a long tail that bounced around as he ran. He was tired quickly, which we thought was a good sign for the sleeping thing. Well, not so much. He only was quiet if I kept my hand on his kennel, all night. I took him out 2x to pee, but he didn't go. Maybe he can hold it all night?
Today, he went to a family picnic, he was adored by all there. Hard not to be "awwed" over when you are as cute as he is! He fell asleep on top of Nicholas tonight, I got a pic that I will try to add later! Enough for now, must take him out again so we don't have an accident!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Niagara Falls, Ontario

I am needing sleep, so I am going post pictures, these say it all anyway. Niagara falls was awesome!