Wednesday, April 29, 2009

No picture this time, but I had to share Charlie's first joke:

Charlie: Knock Knock...

Mom: Who's there?

Charlie: Banana!

Mom: Banana who?

Charlie: Uhhh, Banana...

THEN, he said, "Mom, say knock knock."

Mom: Knock Knock?

Charlie: Who's there?

Mom: Uhhh...

We will be working on jokes!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Father-daughter bonding

Tom's turn to post something.

On Saturday, Emma and I went to the Minnesota Horse Expo at the state fairgrounds. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but put Emma and horses together, and you've got the ingredients for a happy 8 year old. We went in mid afternoon, and watched all different kinds of breeds being shown in the coliseum. Then we went to a different building where she got to ride a horse ("Glitter"). It was only about a two minute ride, but smile-inducing nonetheless. After walking around looking at horses, (and wandering past more vendor booths than there were horses), we had fair food for dinner. After standing in line for another horse ride (this time on "Foxy"), I needed somewhere to sit for a while. The only warm place with seats was at a seminar entitled "So you've bought a horse - now what?" Emma asked why we were there, and I made the mistake of saying something like, "Well, just in case we ever do get a horse, we need to know what to expect." Her eyes got wide, and she said, "What do you mean, 'Just in case'?" as if she was going to get a huge surprise on her upcoming birthday. Why couldn't I have just said, "I needed to sit down"?

There was a rodeo that night, and we decided to stay for it. She didn't care that we were in the cheapest seats two rows from the top - we were at a rodeo. The kind with bull-riding and everything! I had never been to one - I had only seen images on TV. There was a lot of waiting around between events, some pretty amazing confrontations between relatively small men and relatively large livestock, and a lot of guys who apparently have no regard for the integrity of their bones. One guy got knocked unconscious by a bull, and laid there motionless for several minutes. He was fine, fortunately.

Here are Emma and I at the rodeo. Melissa is a much better self-photographer.

We were there for about 7 hours. I was the one that saw the ad for the horse expo and suggested we go. I think Melissa was thinking that, if I saw how much goes into caring for horses, I'd think dogs were a piece of cake in comparison, and I'd cave on getting one. Not yet.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Random Springtime Pictures

Mom showing off her talent of taking a picture of herself and a partner. Emma gave one of her rare smiles for the camera. Another perfectly centered picture, I should win a reward for this talent.
Oh, this is a funny story. Charlie was over at Len's house, our friendly "grandpa-like" neighbor. They do all sorts of interesting things to pass time. Today, the chore was to feed the birds. Well, Charlie was eager to help, but got too close to the bird bath, and somehow, still can't picture how, he "fell in the bird bath". This is a bird bath that is on a pedastal, not one that sits on the ground. He was embarassed and MAD! We all tried not to laugh and are sure that even if he tried, Charlie will never be able to duplicate this stunt!

Emma LOVES to swing...

and loves to push Charlie in the swing!

We are thrilled with the beautiful weather. It is true that when you get through a MN winter, spring seems just that more perfect! I have vowed to wait at least one week of warm days to complain that I am hot!

Last night Emma had her first real sleepover with two of her very best friends. The sleepover was actually one of many rewards she earned by doing some cognitive behavioral therapy with her social worker (working on clothing sensitivity at the moment). She went in not able to tolerate MANY types of clothing, and after a few weeks of preparation, she left the last session wearing a pair of pants and shoes that she refused to wear for over a year. And three days later, she is still doing fine. We even had a nice shopping trip tonight and bought some new shorts, no compaints. I say it is a miracle. Anyway, she earned rewards for going through the steps of the therapy, and one was to have a sleepover with two friends. (other rewards: Fruity Pebbles with bacon for a breakfast, getting to pick who sat where in the van, extra tv time, game choice, planning a meal, which included chicken noodle soup, fettucini alfredo and brownies with frosting AND sprinkles) Emma is very motivated by rewards, and her social worker really knows her and what will work, obviously. Yea.
Anyway, back to the sleepover. The girls watched a movie and ate snacks. They ran around and giggled, and were sleeping by 12:00. This morning they played outside, dug in the dirt, made a time capsule and buried it in our backyard. Then they got the shaving cream and skated, which was quite a hit. This is something that Emma did in OT (another therapy that she does 1x week). Her OT would be proud!
A trip to the MN Children's Museum

Charlie has been asking to go to the Children's Museum to see Clifford, and we finally had the chance last weekend to go. Emma and Luke decided to come along as well. Nicholas has decided that he is "too old" to do things like that, so he stayed home with Tom.

Clifford was definitely the main attraction, but we also saw all of the old time favorites, including seeing the turtles and running and playing in the ant hill.

The water room is usually the busiest place, sure was when we were there. All three Wallisch kids could have played there all day!

Charlie went right up to Clifford and gave him a hug. He was all smiles!

Luke's Class Play: "It's a Jungle Out There"
April 17, 2009
Capitol Hill School

Luke was a dancing Lion in his first grade class play. It was one of the cutest things I have seen in a very long time! He was so proud and serious when he was dancing. His Drama teacher, Ms. Jenkins, must be a saint to work so hard with 110 kids to prepare for a class play!

This is Luke and his friend, Leo.

If you look closely, you can see Luke toward the back on the left side.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Well, Spring Break is officially over. We arrived home on Saturday, just in time for Nicholas to make it to his friend's birthday sleepover. We are all tired and a bit crabby, (maybe really crabby for Emma) but will continue on for two more months until Summer vacation. There were piles of things to do at work today, and we may be behind for quite some time. Lots of kids to see, so little time!

On the way home from school, Luke was telling me about his day. He said that Spanish class (their after school thing) seemed like it only lasted five minutes. He went on to say, "I was concentrating so hard that time just flew! I got a lot of work done." Charlie heard him say this, and he laughed, "Luke, time can't fly!" I am amazed at how Luke is turning into a really hard worker and serious thinker. He has always been my "space cadet", his head always in the clouds, never in a hurry.
This picture is a good example of his concentration. This was taken this winter at a chess tournament. I think my two favorite things about this picture are his focus and that he looks so tiny next to the adult sized table. What a sweet little guy! He LOVES chess, and uses amazing strategy to win. Tom just told me that Luke beat him "soundly" at their chess game tonight. I refuse to play chess anymore, my brain just doesn't work that way, but am always up for a game of Sorry!
Another favorite thing at Grandma and Grandpa's house is the fact that we see our cousins! Ava (almost 3 years old) and Leah (five years old) are fun fun fun!

Actually, Charlie and Ava (only 5 months apart in age) fight like siblings! They are so funny. They battled over this old toy train that neither one really wanted; I am amazed they didn't end up with bruises. This is the only picture I got of the two of them, they wouldn't sit long enough to get one from the front.

Here is the whole group, with Grandma and Grandpa. Aren't they a handsome pack?

The cutest relationship is the one between Emma and Leah. They just adore each other. They play so nicely, and have so much fun. Emma said that she wishes Leah could be her sister.

The most exciting thing about our cousins is that there will be a new one in May! We can't wait to see him/her, welcome to Williams cousin #7.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

DAY # 3 of the Wallisch Spring Break trip (minus Daddy)

The second most favorite activity on the farm is to ride in the tractor. Surely this is the only tractor in all of the state that is out for the Spring. Grandpa loads up as many kids that will fit in the cab and they go around in circles, kinda like an amusement park ride. Even our visitors, Jake and Luke Faulkner are willing to climb up and go for a ride!

Julie and her boys, Luke and Jake, came to visit today. We're college friends and love to get together whenever possible. Wish we lived closer!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

FINAL DESTINATION: Grandma and Grandpa's house on the farm (AKA the Williams grandparents home)
WHERE: in the country near Van Orin, IL
WHY: because going to the farm is the coolest

When we arrived, the kids jumped out of the van and ran. It was like they had been caged for the winter (maybe it feels like that for them thru the MN winter in a small house with little running space) and they finally were set free. This is a good place to be set free! There is lots of space to move, run, jump, climb and twirl.

If asked, each of the kids would say that driving the gator is the highlight of their trip to the farm. How cool for a seven year old boy to be able to drive a large machine around with his grandpa and favorite friends with him! When I took the picture, Luke was smiling from ear to ear and he gave me the "thumbs up". Then he was off again.

This is the home I grew up in. We had all the space we needed, too much sometimes! Our closes neighbors were 1/2 mile up the road, (my aunt, uncle and cousins). Their house is the one peeking between the two trees in the picture. Now a garden, when I lived here, this spot was where our pool was. For some reason, Dad didn't want to keep it up when we had all moved out! My sister, (AKA Aunt Jen) was married in this spot about 8 years ago. I am so glad that my kids love coming here. For kids raised in the city, it is such a good place to be!

Back to the fun pictures! Here is Charlie. He is saying, "HI DADDY!" Doesn't every 3 year old boy need to have at least one picture looking happy in a dress that his sister and loving 5 year old cousin, Leah, convinced him to dress up in? He wanted it to be his jammies for the night, then he spilled milk on it. Nicholas quickly told him he had to take it off and helped him get into his Elmo jammies. Soon enough, he will not want to play dress up anymore, but we will always have this picture to remind him of when he was three! That is about it for now. The kids are all sleeping, except Emma, she decided to sleep in the basement, I am sure because she will have free reign of the TV. She is more brave that I was when I was a kid. I was scared to be down there by myself at night. In an old (over 120 years old) house, there are too many creaks and groans for me. I am not tired, though. I actually took a nap on the couch this afternoon! Haven't done THAT in a very long time!

First stop: Aunt Jen and Uncle Brian's house
Bettendorf, IA
Who: Nicholas, Emma, Luke, Charlie and mom
(daddy is home missing us, and hopefully doing the taxes!)
Why: because the kids LOVE their aunt and uncle, and their very human like doggie, Bailey!

Aunt Jen was brave enough to offer to put us up for the night at her house, what I lovingly refer to as "the museum". It looked a bit more "lived in" by the time the five of us got comfortable! Charlie and I slept together (first and last time!). I learned that he snores, has very bad breath and likes to sleep perpendicular to another person rather than parallel...
The kids were sad to leave but knew that the next stop was the Williams Farm! I wonder if Grandma and Grandpa Williams are ready for us! Ready or not, here we come...

Here is Emma and her favorite dog, Bailey. They really love each other! She tried to convince Aunt Jen that Bailey could come with us to Grandma's house on the farm for the week.

Charlie's first trip to the dentist. He got to play with the buttons to make the chair go up and down, they sure know how to make little kids feel comfortable at the dentist's office!