Monday, January 11, 2010

Funny Charlie story: Recently, Charlie has been askind TONS of questions, mostly, "what does _____ mean." or "why do they call _____, ________." For example, today he asked, "Why is the snow called snow?" "What does, 'risk' mean?" He is also the fourth child and just to make it easier for mommy, she does a lot for him. Most of the time, he likes to be doted over, but sometimes he wants to do things "by himself". Well today, he asked for cinnamon toast, so I made it for him. He wanted to butter it himself, so I gave him a knive and the butter. It only took seconds of me watching him clumbsily moving big chunks of butter around on his toast before I asked him if he needed help. He gave up the knife without much of fight and I proceded to butter his toast for him. He watched the asked, "Mommy, does help mean do?" He got me!

Also, when he came downstairs this morning, he saw his birthday presents on the table. One, a train table, was too big to wrap so Tom just put the box by his chair. He looked at the corner of the box where it said "3+" and he said, "THAT table is for three year olds!" He definitely does not want to be three anymore, he is moving on to bigger and better things. He loves the table, though. We played with trains and did his new "cars" puzzle on it.

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